Oh, how I love to dance! I recently listened to Ann Murray sing a 40's song "Oh, how we danced..." I was transported back to teenage years. My friend Ann, and I spent every spare moment at the local drugstore. It had a small dance floor and a jukebox. We spend hours practising all the jitterbug/swing steps to big band records.
Dancing led to meeting my husband. We were going to school in Omaha, working for Father Flanagan's boystown after school. At least once per week, we went to the Shermont Ballroom to listen and dance to the big bands booked there. One evening the trombonist and singer spotted us dancing. He remarked to the drummer, "I have to meet that girl during break. She is the one I'm going to marry." Long story short: He did that, walked me to where we were boarding, ask me to marry him, and....2 months later... we were married. I traveled with the band... until pregnancy prevented it. Though Bill had planned and trained for a career in music, we couldn't stand to be separated, so he resigned. Fast forward ..... different circumstances.... still dancing! Not in ballrooms... mostly in our living rooms... for the rest of our lives together.
The best picture of our dancing together through our years is a movie with Gene Kelly in "Singing in the Rain". He was dancing in a downpour... totally oblivious to the rain. He has just discovered he is in love, and that is more important than anything else in the world.
The Psalmist says that life is like that for those who live in God's kingdom. We live in this world... in the midst of downpours.... focused on the overwhelming love of God for us.... and we dance for joy!
We join all creation in giving thanks that God's power shows itself in grace, compassion, love and faithfulness.... in the midst of life's pouring rain... remembering God's overwhelming love... We Dance!