My hope is centered on you accepting my invitation to journey with me and assist me in this quest. As you consider my pondering, will you share with me your further insights, comments and challenges on the subject.

"Middle-Miles" - "Aging Anxiety" - "Old Wine"

   On my 67th Birthday I wrote the following Journal ... no one else would ever see it ... until now. I never thought of age as something to dwell on. Maybe I'd start getting old at 50 years. That was an age that seemed a long way off and maybe the end of young and the beginning of old. Someone said, "After fifty, it's patch, patch, patch!"  I don't remember who said that to me ... my memory has become a sieve in the last few years.

   I did notice on that 67th Birthday (for the first time):

* The wrinkles that make-up didn't seem to cover...
* The pounds that I could not peel off with diet anymore....
*  The extra care I had to give my skin and hair....
*  The loss of strength and energy to keep going or to snap back from minor illness...

    Still, there are advantages to having survived may years.... even 67 of them:

* By now I've made most of the worst mistakes a human being  can make, so I hope I'll not repeat them.
* I've learned many priceless lessons only time can teach ... lessons that make life infinately better at 67 than  
   at twenty or thirty: Things usually do look better in the morning.
* No letter written in the heat of emotion shoould be mailed for at least 24 hours; 
* It's easier to forgive the sins of an enemy than those of family.
* Everything in this world is temporary.
* Nobody I admire has had an easier life than I have, and.....
* God is the only One who will not disappoint me if I expect Him to be perfect.

   Would I trade knowledge like this for a young face or body?  Come to think of it,  NO ! If  I die tomorrow.... I've had it all!


   I'm past the "Middle-Miles" that are the most exhausing, challenging miles on the path....
          The early "Aging Anxiety" negatives and positives faced and overcome.....
                  Best of all.... the Bible (Luke 5:39) confirms: "No man also having drunk old wine straightway
                  desireth new; for he saith, 'the old is better."