My hope is centered on you accepting my invitation to journey with me and assist me in this quest. As you consider my pondering, will you share with me your further insights, comments and challenges on the subject.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Thoughts on Learning to Live Life...Now

"Thoughts on Learning to Balance and Live. Life...Now"

    Once upon a time, in a deep, dark tunnel of life and overcome with despair, no hope, no options. I cried out, "Oh God !" and He answered my cry with a golden light, because no one else had heard it. That very night I accepted Him as my personal Savior and have served him for sixty-four years regardless of circumstances.  What a privilege it has been.
     Through those years, I learned many lessons but..... as I listened to dialogue in small group Bible Studies, heard a documentary on the brain/memory; and considered my own responses to my "now" dark tunnel of grief, illness, etc. ... I need to renew those lessons. So, I begin a new Journey in my journal.
     Bill stated that, "God needs affirmers." So I start with that and listed some on FB. An affirmation is a positive thought from the Word of God that we imagine as if it were true in the now. If I say it and feel it with conviction, it will become true. I found an affirmation can be written or stated positively. But if I write my affirmation and then read it aloud, I am using my eyes, my ears, and my body to affirm the new messages I am telling myself. They work now,  when I say with conviction , believing and receiving, stated as true (God's Word is truth.)  Sounds strange at first, but I found when I repeated it daily for 21 days,  it changed my being....because it change my negativity to faith in His promises. An example:
    "I deserve to let good things happen in my life today....because I am a child of God."
    "I am meeting people who are positive and supporting in my life...because they are part of the Family of God, the Church."
     As for me, this was a discipline that enabled me to draw me away from what I call my "stinkin' thinkin' ".    Well, if the Lord permits, I may share some things about that next post.

"When we discover the still quiet place that lies within each of  us, we can see it as a base to untangle ourselves from doubt indecision, ill-health, guilt and other forms of old programming that result in confused and defused actions." ~ Woman Spirit ~