My hope is centered on you accepting my invitation to journey with me and assist me in this quest. As you consider my pondering, will you share with me your further insights, comments and challenges on the subject.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


   The timing couldn't have been worse. She knocked on our door early one Advent Sunday morning. We were hurrying around to get dressed for services. We'd not seen her before.  She was alone,  obviously ill at ease  as she handed me a note. Someone at a facility in the ares had dropped her off  hours early. The other residents had familly  or friends to take them in for the holiday.

   She stood like a frightened bird, poised for flight. My resentment at the intrusion melted away as I invited her in. Her gratitude and simple joy at being accepted shamed me. She eagerly settled into a chair, smoothed her tangled hair and her to-large skirt. She happily held the magazine I gave her to keep her busy while I finished dressing. Then she studied the magazine with such joy .... and it was upside down.

   At worship she was like my shadow. It was obvious she was totally ignorant of  church etiquette. She watched me closely and mimiced my every move. During the message she opened her shabby purse and took out two treasured  hard candies. As she popped one in her mouth, she quickly extended the other to my lips, which I automatically opened.  When Bill posed a question in the message, she answered it audibly and enthusiastically. Her eye's never wavered from him. It was as though he was speaking only to her and she responded with laughter or tears as it move her.

   She was like a magnet for everyone's eyes and heart that Advent season. She took in everthing and reveled in it. Through her eyes we saw it all fresh and new. The Advent wreath and candle, the carols and the awesomeness of prayer. What a joy to sing and pray! What a privilege to be in the house of the Lord! How marvelous to be treated with kindness, to be hovered over with love. She awoke in us the privileges we often had taken for granted.

   She was Christmas for us that year. The coming of Christ so unexpected ... an intrusion really ...  but bringing such joy!

   Our prayer for all of us this Christmas is: Come,  Lord Jesus. Come to wrap us in your love so that we may love others in your name. Amen

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