My hope is centered on you accepting my invitation to journey with me and assist me in this quest. As you consider my pondering, will you share with me your further insights, comments and challenges on the subject.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Snoopy's Warning! WOOF! WOOF!

   No news on TV or papers this week for me.  All the negative vibs caused more stress--or so I thought.  The break from it did help, but then I felt guilty for "running away" from reality and responsibility-Woe is me!  There must be a balance here.
   I want to make my second blog something positive.  However, my thoughts keep returning to a Charles Schulz "Peanuts" strip and this one had a negative overtone.
   "Peanuts" was always my favorite because C. Schulz always had a wonderful lesson if you "put on your thinking cap."
   So in your minds eye see--Snoopy, rising up on top of his dog house; saying "The World famous watchdog is ever alert---" He jumps to the ground.  Next, he's at Lucy's bedroom window- "Woof."  She sits up, then turns over- "That's all right--Everything is fine--Thank You."  Snoopy  then appears at Charlie Brown's window--"Woof!"  Charlie silts up then lies back down--"thats okay-Everything is all right--you're a good watchdog--Go back to sleep". Snoopy walks away with a big *Sigh*!  Finally, he's back lying on his dog house--"You try to warn them that the world has gone mad, but they won't listen..."
   Yes, Snoopy's  warning put in a nutshell-"WOOF! WOOF!"  But for me, I must ask myself a few questions.
   Do I ignore warning signs?  Another warning Luke 16:28
      Am I at ease, with a false sense of security?  See Amos 6:1
         Am I ignoring warning signs letting the "world" make decisions and control me?
            Will what I value last for eternity?  Amos7:7 Vision of the plumb line.
   Speaking of Visions---Do I need a new Vision?  The Lord stands ready to inspire with the vision of an alternative world if I'll but listen.  There is power residing in a vision.  Like a star it draws us into the future; it guides us on our way.  It weaves a goal worth living and dying for.  Some of  MY old visions have failed, run their course, or been corrupted.  At times I have felt exiled, oppressed, fearful and helpless but then I met my savior.  Yes, I have been knocked down but never knocked out.
   A New vision promotes life as we know it ought to be.  Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us about victory when God's children cry unto Him.  He reminds them of His mighty victories in the past, then states, "But forget all that--it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do.  For I am about to do a brand-new thing.  See I have already begun."
   WOW!  I have been given Hope-defined as a strong desire accompanied by expectation of fulfillment of the unique vision my Lord has planned for me.
   I believe Faith-defined is a way of being.  It is action, something we do.  It is the expression of meaning revealed in a person's life style--a gift of God's grace.
   And I have the potential to  develop it---if I will jsut listen. "WOOF! WOOF!"
                 On a pilgrimage seeking integrity,


  1. Faith a way of being, yes indeedy!!Living redemptively in the world God made, fleshing out Christ to others and learning to play.

  2. Bless you for your comments.....and for fleshing out Christ to others!
