As a personal Journal writer for over 65 years, I often review the weavings of my journey. In doing so, I discovered a plan for growth in 2012. I wholeheartedly agree with the words, but I know in my "heart" preparation that the "living out" the words will be difficult at times. The journey may be painfully confronting and wonderful healing. No doubt I will be learning the art of true relationship. I invite you to join me in making the daily living of these words part of your New Year.
I owe you respect for your personality. You are God's creation, made in His likeness. I owe you the right to your opinion. You may differ with me without fear that I shall raise a barrier between us.
I owe you belief in your integrity. Since I do, I shall put the best possible construction on your actions. I shall trust your words and deeds,even those I am unable to understand.
I owe you honest treatment. I shall not steal people's good opinon of you. I shall voice the sort of comment about you and your actions that I should wish made about me.
I owe you a "taking-off place." Though I value your friendship, I shall not enslave your sprit nor bind you so closely to me that you miss the wealth of other friendships.
I owe you thoughtful consideration. I will not steal your time when you are evidently busy, just because I happen to have some free time to kill.
I owe you my help in time of special need - my hand, my ear, my voice. I owe you patience with what seems to be your slowness or even stupidity. I owe you Golden Rule imagination in all things.
I owe it to you not to push you down in order to lift myself up. Rather, I owe you advancement to the limit of my ability. I owe it to you to see you forge ahead of me without any reaction of envy of jealousy - even to give you a push forward.
I owe you a good example, a Christian testimony. I owe you the gospel of Christ to the limit that I possess
it. I owe it to you to prove its power to the full in my life, that God may challenge and encourage you by the sight of what He has done in me.
All this I owe you and much more I owe it to you not to fall behind in my payments for this. IOU. And only by God's grace, I won't.
(Adapted from B.Munro)
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