Smiling at the sign posted on the wall, I thought, "That's how I feel today." It said: If I have to finish everything before I go, I'm so far behind, I'll never die.
After a week of illness, stress, isolation, I felt overwhelmed, full of insecurity, and alone. Everything seems beyond my strength and ability. I found it difficult to cope with the chaos within. Murmuring to myself, "It seems like you are the only one who remains the same, 'yesterday, today, and forever', Father." ~Hebrews 13:8~
Ah, yes,.. that is the answer! I need to focus on the healing presence of Jesus. He'll not let me fall into this darkness. Whether my need is physical, mental, or spiritual blindness, my task is simple. I must focus on the light of Christ, trusting that he will not let me fall into darkness....for he is the light of the world. ~John 9:5~ I then have His Shekinah (the luminous glow of the very presence of God) rests on me. I am Restored.....I am wrapped in the arms of love and light. How can I be fearful or insecure in this threatening world?
When I wander from God's path of trust....from following Him beside still waters, till I lose the way, lose joy, lose the sound of his voice. Then my Master "brings us back into His way," into paths of righteousness. ~Psalms 23:3~ "He Resoreth my soul...He leadeth me..."