My hope is centered on you accepting my invitation to journey with me and assist me in this quest. As you consider my pondering, will you share with me your further insights, comments and challenges on the subject.

Monday, November 3, 2014

'Oh, Gracious 'Restorer', Bring back my wandering soul......'

    Smiling at the sign posted on the wall, I thought, "That's how I feel today." It said: If I have to finish everything before I go, I'm so far behind, I'll never die.

 After a week of illness, stress, isolation, I felt overwhelmed, full of insecurity, and alone. Everything seems beyond my strength and ability. I found it difficult to cope with the chaos within. Murmuring to myself, "It seems like you are the only one who remains the same, 'yesterday, today, and forever', Father."  ~Hebrews 13:8~

    Ah, yes,.. that is the answer! I need to focus on the healing presence of Jesus.  He'll not let me fall into this darkness. Whether my need is physical, mental, or spiritual blindness, my task is simple. I must focus on the light of Christ, trusting that he will not let me fall into darkness....for he is the light of the world. ~John 9:5~ I then have His Shekinah (the luminous glow of the very presence of God) rests on me. I am Restored.....I am wrapped in the arms of love and light. How can I be fearful or insecure in this threatening world?
    When I wander from God's path of trust....from following Him beside still waters, till I lose the way,  lose joy, lose the sound of his voice. Then my Master "brings us back into His way," into paths of righteousness. ~Psalms 23:3~ "He Resoreth my soul...He leadeth me..."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us.
