As a personal Journal writer for over 65 years, I often review the weavings of my journey. In doing so, I discovered a plan for growth in 2012. I wholeheartedly agree with the words, but I know in my "heart" preparation that the "living out" the words will be difficult at times. The journey may be painfully confronting and wonderful healing. No doubt I will be learning the art of true relationship. I invite you to join me in making the daily living of these words part of your New Year.
I owe you respect for your personality. You are God's creation, made in His likeness. I owe you the right to your opinion. You may differ with me without fear that I shall raise a barrier between us.
I owe you belief in your integrity. Since I do, I shall put the best possible construction on your actions. I shall trust your words and deeds,even those I am unable to understand.
I owe you honest treatment. I shall not steal people's good opinon of you. I shall voice the sort of comment about you and your actions that I should wish made about me.
I owe you a "taking-off place." Though I value your friendship, I shall not enslave your sprit nor bind you so closely to me that you miss the wealth of other friendships.
I owe you thoughtful consideration. I will not steal your time when you are evidently busy, just because I happen to have some free time to kill.
I owe you my help in time of special need - my hand, my ear, my voice. I owe you patience with what seems to be your slowness or even stupidity. I owe you Golden Rule imagination in all things.
I owe it to you not to push you down in order to lift myself up. Rather, I owe you advancement to the limit of my ability. I owe it to you to see you forge ahead of me without any reaction of envy of jealousy - even to give you a push forward.
I owe you a good example, a Christian testimony. I owe you the gospel of Christ to the limit that I possess
it. I owe it to you to prove its power to the full in my life, that God may challenge and encourage you by the sight of what He has done in me.
All this I owe you and much more I owe it to you not to fall behind in my payments for this. IOU. And only by God's grace, I won't.
(Adapted from B.Munro)
My hope is centered on you accepting my invitation to journey with me and assist me in this quest. As you consider my pondering, will you share with me your further insights, comments and challenges on the subject.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Signs of My Times....
A sign of the cubical wall in the Clinic read: "I'm lost! I've gone to look for myself. If I return before I get back, please have me wait."
Chuckling at how many holidays I've experienced that state of mind, I mused abut the past adult years of adult holday preparation and experiences. Which of these activities really focused on the true meaning and helped us experience the joy of Christmas Holy days? What brings more meaning, more joy and fulfillment? I concluded that many of the traditions, preparations, activities had become "out of focus". Though most of them were good and perhaps even necessary ... why do we end up exhausted, irrritable, even deressed? Could it be misplaced priorities?
Another quote from the cubical wall: "God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind, I will never die." Humorous, but also a mirror reflecting a distortion of the real celebration of Christmas?
Todays news had a boxin the corner: "24 days until Christmas". Only 24 days to prepare your heart for the Christ child's coming. Will be ready? What will hep me to truly prepare?
Our souls need Christmas. We need to be reminded that God sent His Son to show us the way to life everlasting? We need this time for rededications and rejoycing. We might even need to declare a "quiet Day".
No TV, conversations, or music. Solitude. Rest. Contemplation. Spend time with the Lord. Read his Word. Then strive to take a little of that quiet back into our routine.
Perhaps the key to truly experiencing Christmas is to remind ourselves that God gives us His Child every year ... and that he sent his Son that we might have a relationship with Jesus. Have we forgotten that relationships have potential to truly satisfy and enrich? The heart of the holidays is relationships. Of course parties and gift exchanges build relationships and we grow in sharing joy with those we love. But if we give of ourselves of outside needs, our gift expresses our love for the Christ Child. It is as if we are handing it to the Lord. If we volunteer to help others with a gift of service and caring, it shifts our focus from ouselves and often causes the recipient to reflect deeper spiritually ... feel the presence of Jesus.
I wonder if we should make an effort each day to do something for our earthly family that Jesus might have done for his: Help with a difficult chore; rub an aching back; give a hug instead of a lecture; pray for missionaries who can't be home for Christmas; Send a card to people who are shut in; befriend stranger; Smile at everyone; Turn your thoughts and words to praise; List things that bring you joy; Keep a journal of of those wonderful moments that send your heart soaring and your mind turning to the godness and majesty of the Lord; During Advent keep a record of you reflections, prayers, thoughts, spiritual longings, and hopes for what Christ will accomplish in and through your life this year. The entries need be only a few words of genuine expression from the heart. Ask the Lord to help move you beyond the hustle.
I long for you to join me in welcoming God's Son with fresh reverence this year. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
Chuckling at how many holidays I've experienced that state of mind, I mused abut the past adult years of adult holday preparation and experiences. Which of these activities really focused on the true meaning and helped us experience the joy of Christmas Holy days? What brings more meaning, more joy and fulfillment? I concluded that many of the traditions, preparations, activities had become "out of focus". Though most of them were good and perhaps even necessary ... why do we end up exhausted, irrritable, even deressed? Could it be misplaced priorities?
Another quote from the cubical wall: "God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind, I will never die." Humorous, but also a mirror reflecting a distortion of the real celebration of Christmas?
Todays news had a boxin the corner: "24 days until Christmas". Only 24 days to prepare your heart for the Christ child's coming. Will be ready? What will hep me to truly prepare?
Our souls need Christmas. We need to be reminded that God sent His Son to show us the way to life everlasting? We need this time for rededications and rejoycing. We might even need to declare a "quiet Day".
No TV, conversations, or music. Solitude. Rest. Contemplation. Spend time with the Lord. Read his Word. Then strive to take a little of that quiet back into our routine.
Perhaps the key to truly experiencing Christmas is to remind ourselves that God gives us His Child every year ... and that he sent his Son that we might have a relationship with Jesus. Have we forgotten that relationships have potential to truly satisfy and enrich? The heart of the holidays is relationships. Of course parties and gift exchanges build relationships and we grow in sharing joy with those we love. But if we give of ourselves of outside needs, our gift expresses our love for the Christ Child. It is as if we are handing it to the Lord. If we volunteer to help others with a gift of service and caring, it shifts our focus from ouselves and often causes the recipient to reflect deeper spiritually ... feel the presence of Jesus.
I wonder if we should make an effort each day to do something for our earthly family that Jesus might have done for his: Help with a difficult chore; rub an aching back; give a hug instead of a lecture; pray for missionaries who can't be home for Christmas; Send a card to people who are shut in; befriend stranger; Smile at everyone; Turn your thoughts and words to praise; List things that bring you joy; Keep a journal of of those wonderful moments that send your heart soaring and your mind turning to the godness and majesty of the Lord; During Advent keep a record of you reflections, prayers, thoughts, spiritual longings, and hopes for what Christ will accomplish in and through your life this year. The entries need be only a few words of genuine expression from the heart. Ask the Lord to help move you beyond the hustle.
I long for you to join me in welcoming God's Son with fresh reverence this year. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The timing couldn't have been worse. She knocked on our door early one Advent Sunday morning. We were hurrying around to get dressed for services. We'd not seen her before. She was alone, obviously ill at ease as she handed me a note. Someone at a facility in the ares had dropped her off hours early. The other residents had familly or friends to take them in for the holiday.
She stood like a frightened bird, poised for flight. My resentment at the intrusion melted away as I invited her in. Her gratitude and simple joy at being accepted shamed me. She eagerly settled into a chair, smoothed her tangled hair and her to-large skirt. She happily held the magazine I gave her to keep her busy while I finished dressing. Then she studied the magazine with such joy .... and it was upside down.
At worship she was like my shadow. It was obvious she was totally ignorant of church etiquette. She watched me closely and mimiced my every move. During the message she opened her shabby purse and took out two treasured hard candies. As she popped one in her mouth, she quickly extended the other to my lips, which I automatically opened. When Bill posed a question in the message, she answered it audibly and enthusiastically. Her eye's never wavered from him. It was as though he was speaking only to her and she responded with laughter or tears as it move her.
She was like a magnet for everyone's eyes and heart that Advent season. She took in everthing and reveled in it. Through her eyes we saw it all fresh and new. The Advent wreath and candle, the carols and the awesomeness of prayer. What a joy to sing and pray! What a privilege to be in the house of the Lord! How marvelous to be treated with kindness, to be hovered over with love. She awoke in us the privileges we often had taken for granted.
She was Christmas for us that year. The coming of Christ so unexpected ... an intrusion really ... but bringing such joy!
Our prayer for all of us this Christmas is: Come, Lord Jesus. Come to wrap us in your love so that we may love others in your name. Amen
She stood like a frightened bird, poised for flight. My resentment at the intrusion melted away as I invited her in. Her gratitude and simple joy at being accepted shamed me. She eagerly settled into a chair, smoothed her tangled hair and her to-large skirt. She happily held the magazine I gave her to keep her busy while I finished dressing. Then she studied the magazine with such joy .... and it was upside down.
At worship she was like my shadow. It was obvious she was totally ignorant of church etiquette. She watched me closely and mimiced my every move. During the message she opened her shabby purse and took out two treasured hard candies. As she popped one in her mouth, she quickly extended the other to my lips, which I automatically opened. When Bill posed a question in the message, she answered it audibly and enthusiastically. Her eye's never wavered from him. It was as though he was speaking only to her and she responded with laughter or tears as it move her.
She was like a magnet for everyone's eyes and heart that Advent season. She took in everthing and reveled in it. Through her eyes we saw it all fresh and new. The Advent wreath and candle, the carols and the awesomeness of prayer. What a joy to sing and pray! What a privilege to be in the house of the Lord! How marvelous to be treated with kindness, to be hovered over with love. She awoke in us the privileges we often had taken for granted.
She was Christmas for us that year. The coming of Christ so unexpected ... an intrusion really ... but bringing such joy!
Our prayer for all of us this Christmas is: Come, Lord Jesus. Come to wrap us in your love so that we may love others in your name. Amen
Monday, October 3, 2011
Dancing And Singing In The Rain.....
Oh, how I love to dance! I recently listened to Ann Murray sing a 40's song "Oh, how we danced..." I was transported back to teenage years. My friend Ann, and I spent every spare moment at the local drugstore. It had a small dance floor and a jukebox. We spend hours practising all the jitterbug/swing steps to big band records.
Dancing led to meeting my husband. We were going to school in Omaha, working for Father Flanagan's boystown after school. At least once per week, we went to the Shermont Ballroom to listen and dance to the big bands booked there. One evening the trombonist and singer spotted us dancing. He remarked to the drummer, "I have to meet that girl during break. She is the one I'm going to marry." Long story short: He did that, walked me to where we were boarding, ask me to marry him, and....2 months later... we were married. I traveled with the band... until pregnancy prevented it. Though Bill had planned and trained for a career in music, we couldn't stand to be separated, so he resigned. Fast forward ..... different circumstances.... still dancing! Not in ballrooms... mostly in our living rooms... for the rest of our lives together.
The best picture of our dancing together through our years is a movie with Gene Kelly in "Singing in the Rain". He was dancing in a downpour... totally oblivious to the rain. He has just discovered he is in love, and that is more important than anything else in the world.
The Psalmist says that life is like that for those who live in God's kingdom. We live in this world... in the midst of downpours.... focused on the overwhelming love of God for us.... and we dance for joy!
We join all creation in giving thanks that God's power shows itself in grace, compassion, love and faithfulness.... in the midst of life's pouring rain... remembering God's overwhelming love... We Dance!
Dancing led to meeting my husband. We were going to school in Omaha, working for Father Flanagan's boystown after school. At least once per week, we went to the Shermont Ballroom to listen and dance to the big bands booked there. One evening the trombonist and singer spotted us dancing. He remarked to the drummer, "I have to meet that girl during break. She is the one I'm going to marry." Long story short: He did that, walked me to where we were boarding, ask me to marry him, and....2 months later... we were married. I traveled with the band... until pregnancy prevented it. Though Bill had planned and trained for a career in music, we couldn't stand to be separated, so he resigned. Fast forward ..... different circumstances.... still dancing! Not in ballrooms... mostly in our living rooms... for the rest of our lives together.
The best picture of our dancing together through our years is a movie with Gene Kelly in "Singing in the Rain". He was dancing in a downpour... totally oblivious to the rain. He has just discovered he is in love, and that is more important than anything else in the world.
The Psalmist says that life is like that for those who live in God's kingdom. We live in this world... in the midst of downpours.... focused on the overwhelming love of God for us.... and we dance for joy!
We join all creation in giving thanks that God's power shows itself in grace, compassion, love and faithfulness.... in the midst of life's pouring rain... remembering God's overwhelming love... We Dance!
Monday, September 26, 2011
What's Faster Than The Computer?
I'm told that many young ones today do not know what a typewriter is? I started out with a pencil and progressed to typewriters, Teletype, computer over a sixty year period. I'm very elderly you know. :-}
What a wonder the computer is! I write an e-mail , click "send", and in a few seconds it arrives miles or continents away. It just amazes me, but there is something greater than that ... something even faster.
Isaiah 65:24 reads: "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer." WOW! That's faster than a fax! You get an answer before the message is sent!
God reads our hearts and always knows our needs ... often while we are speaking. And the desired blessing is on it's way from God's throne with the answer. (Daniel 9: 20-23.)
Yes, prayer is faster than any modern means of communication. I need to use it more often. It is the Christians open line to heaven.
Even while we're asking, God's power and love can bless.
To praying trusting souls,
He often grants ...
More than they can ever express.
Weaving light and growth as I journey,
What a wonder the computer is! I write an e-mail , click "send", and in a few seconds it arrives miles or continents away. It just amazes me, but there is something greater than that ... something even faster.
Isaiah 65:24 reads: "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer." WOW! That's faster than a fax! You get an answer before the message is sent!
God reads our hearts and always knows our needs ... often while we are speaking. And the desired blessing is on it's way from God's throne with the answer. (Daniel 9: 20-23.)
Yes, prayer is faster than any modern means of communication. I need to use it more often. It is the Christians open line to heaven.
Even while we're asking, God's power and love can bless.
To praying trusting souls,
He often grants ...
More than they can ever express.
Weaving light and growth as I journey,
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Foot note to Epiphany (A response to comments).
In weaving my tapestry of celebration of Epiphany's throughout the year, I was blessed by creating a visual aid. Perhaps it might bring joy to you. On January 6th I pondered how I could celebrate the unveiling of the disclosures of my Lord as I journey through the year. I ask myself ...
How may times was Jesus revealed to me the past year in memorable events?
What did I learn about Him in each one? Since my memory only came up with three, I realized there had to be many more. What could I do to celebrate each blessing?
Plot each epiphany on a time-line graph, showing both. the highs and the lows. Draw a small foot-print at each unveiling of the gift of God's presence. Make a brief note to identify your revelation. I record events of joy..challenge...trial...and realize how my Lord blesses in all of my journey. When you complete the year, you have your "Foot-prints of Faith". Fold your graph and place it in your Bible. When you need a visual aid to remind you of God's faithful presence, reach for your "Foot-print of Faith."
How may times was Jesus revealed to me the past year in memorable events?
What did I learn about Him in each one? Since my memory only came up with three, I realized there had to be many more. What could I do to celebrate each blessing?
Plot each epiphany on a time-line graph, showing both. the highs and the lows. Draw a small foot-print at each unveiling of the gift of God's presence. Make a brief note to identify your revelation. I record events of joy..challenge...trial...and realize how my Lord blesses in all of my journey. When you complete the year, you have your "Foot-prints of Faith". Fold your graph and place it in your Bible. When you need a visual aid to remind you of God's faithful presence, reach for your "Foot-print of Faith."
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Is it possible to realize happiness every day? Perhaps , if I recognize what it is that makes me joyful?
Thorton Wilder's play, "Our Town" is hauntingly real as Emily, still longing for the life she just left, wishes to revisit it one ordinary, unimportant day of her life. When she gets her wish, she realizes how much the living take for granted. Eventually the visit is too much for her to bear. "I didn't realize," she confesses mournfully, "all that was going on and we never noticed, ... Goodbye world ... Momma.. Poppa...Goodbye to _________. (She lists many of the little everyday thing that make her smile and brought her joy.) "Oh earth you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you."
As my neice Stacy, stated, " I need Epiphany... . "And I need to be seeking epiphany... " Occasions on which I can experience the Sacred in the Ordinary -- and come to the awakening, as Emily finally does. I can no longer afford to throw away even one important day by not noticing the wonder of it all. I must be willing to discover and then appreciate the authentic moments of happiness available to all of us every day.
But, how can I conquer his lack of awareness?
Recongnize the signs and symptons of neutral living?
Begin healing this disease and disintegration of premature death of happiness?
What makes me joyful? LOVE! I want growth in awareness ... understanding ... transformation ... integration ... wholeness. Therefore, I am taking baby steps toward joyful living --now! I'm acquiring a clue from Emily of focusing awareness of all the little everyday epiphany's that made her happy.
And best of all ... I will be victorious! Not because of my efforts, but because of Ephesians 1: 18, "By having the eyes of (my) heart flooded with light, so that (I) can know and undersand the hope to which He has called (me)."
This is a twist on the concept of seeing and speaks of our "inward eye." When it is enlightened we see what is ordinarily overlooked. The "outward eye" gifts us with the vision to see what surrounds us. The "inward eye" (the Holy Spirit) brings wisdom and vision that really matters. How vast are the resources God's power open to those who have faith!
Will you join me in this pilgrimage of weaving a pattern of wholeness? Your fellowship through your sharing thoughts and comments will teach and bless me, plus add so much to my journey. We really do need each other.
Thorton Wilder's play, "Our Town" is hauntingly real as Emily, still longing for the life she just left, wishes to revisit it one ordinary, unimportant day of her life. When she gets her wish, she realizes how much the living take for granted. Eventually the visit is too much for her to bear. "I didn't realize," she confesses mournfully, "all that was going on and we never noticed, ... Goodbye world ... Momma.. Poppa...Goodbye to _________. (She lists many of the little everyday thing that make her smile and brought her joy.) "Oh earth you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you."
As my neice Stacy, stated, " I need Epiphany... . "And I need to be seeking epiphany... " Occasions on which I can experience the Sacred in the Ordinary -- and come to the awakening, as Emily finally does. I can no longer afford to throw away even one important day by not noticing the wonder of it all. I must be willing to discover and then appreciate the authentic moments of happiness available to all of us every day.
But, how can I conquer his lack of awareness?
Recongnize the signs and symptons of neutral living?
Begin healing this disease and disintegration of premature death of happiness?
What makes me joyful? LOVE! I want growth in awareness ... understanding ... transformation ... integration ... wholeness. Therefore, I am taking baby steps toward joyful living --now! I'm acquiring a clue from Emily of focusing awareness of all the little everyday epiphany's that made her happy.
And best of all ... I will be victorious! Not because of my efforts, but because of Ephesians 1: 18, "By having the eyes of (my) heart flooded with light, so that (I) can know and undersand the hope to which He has called (me)."
This is a twist on the concept of seeing and speaks of our "inward eye." When it is enlightened we see what is ordinarily overlooked. The "outward eye" gifts us with the vision to see what surrounds us. The "inward eye" (the Holy Spirit) brings wisdom and vision that really matters. How vast are the resources God's power open to those who have faith!
Will you join me in this pilgrimage of weaving a pattern of wholeness? Your fellowship through your sharing thoughts and comments will teach and bless me, plus add so much to my journey. We really do need each other.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Snoopy's Warning! WOOF! WOOF!
No news on TV or papers this week for me. All the negative vibs caused more stress--or so I thought. The break from it did help, but then I felt guilty for "running away" from reality and responsibility-Woe is me! There must be a balance here.
I want to make my second blog something positive. However, my thoughts keep returning to a Charles Schulz "Peanuts" strip and this one had a negative overtone.
"Peanuts" was always my favorite because C. Schulz always had a wonderful lesson if you "put on your thinking cap."
So in your minds eye see--Snoopy, rising up on top of his dog house; saying "The World famous watchdog is ever alert---" He jumps to the ground. Next, he's at Lucy's bedroom window- "Woof." She sits up, then turns over- "That's all right--Everything is fine--Thank You." Snoopy then appears at Charlie Brown's window--"Woof!" Charlie silts up then lies back down--"thats okay-Everything is all right--you're a good watchdog--Go back to sleep". Snoopy walks away with a big *Sigh*! Finally, he's back lying on his dog house--"You try to warn them that the world has gone mad, but they won't listen..."
Yes, Snoopy's warning put in a nutshell-"WOOF! WOOF!" But for me, I must ask myself a few questions.
Do I ignore warning signs? Another warning Luke 16:28
Am I at ease, with a false sense of security? See Amos 6:1
Am I ignoring warning signs letting the "world" make decisions and control me?
Will what I value last for eternity? Amos7:7 Vision of the plumb line.
Speaking of Visions---Do I need a new Vision? The Lord stands ready to inspire with the vision of an alternative world if I'll but listen. There is power residing in a vision. Like a star it draws us into the future; it guides us on our way. It weaves a goal worth living and dying for. Some of MY old visions have failed, run their course, or been corrupted. At times I have felt exiled, oppressed, fearful and helpless but then I met my savior. Yes, I have been knocked down but never knocked out.
A New vision promotes life as we know it ought to be. Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us about victory when God's children cry unto Him. He reminds them of His mighty victories in the past, then states, "But forget all that--it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do. For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See I have already begun."
WOW! I have been given Hope-defined as a strong desire accompanied by expectation of fulfillment of the unique vision my Lord has planned for me.
I believe Faith-defined is a way of being. It is action, something we do. It is the expression of meaning revealed in a person's life style--a gift of God's grace.
And I have the potential to develop it---if I will jsut listen. "WOOF! WOOF!"
On a pilgrimage seeking integrity,
I want to make my second blog something positive. However, my thoughts keep returning to a Charles Schulz "Peanuts" strip and this one had a negative overtone.
"Peanuts" was always my favorite because C. Schulz always had a wonderful lesson if you "put on your thinking cap."
So in your minds eye see--Snoopy, rising up on top of his dog house; saying "The World famous watchdog is ever alert---" He jumps to the ground. Next, he's at Lucy's bedroom window- "Woof." She sits up, then turns over- "That's all right--Everything is fine--Thank You." Snoopy then appears at Charlie Brown's window--"Woof!" Charlie silts up then lies back down--"thats okay-Everything is all right--you're a good watchdog--Go back to sleep". Snoopy walks away with a big *Sigh*! Finally, he's back lying on his dog house--"You try to warn them that the world has gone mad, but they won't listen..."
Yes, Snoopy's warning put in a nutshell-"WOOF! WOOF!" But for me, I must ask myself a few questions.
Do I ignore warning signs? Another warning Luke 16:28
Am I at ease, with a false sense of security? See Amos 6:1
Am I ignoring warning signs letting the "world" make decisions and control me?
Will what I value last for eternity? Amos7:7 Vision of the plumb line.
Speaking of Visions---Do I need a new Vision? The Lord stands ready to inspire with the vision of an alternative world if I'll but listen. There is power residing in a vision. Like a star it draws us into the future; it guides us on our way. It weaves a goal worth living and dying for. Some of MY old visions have failed, run their course, or been corrupted. At times I have felt exiled, oppressed, fearful and helpless but then I met my savior. Yes, I have been knocked down but never knocked out.
A New vision promotes life as we know it ought to be. Isaiah 43:18-19 tells us about victory when God's children cry unto Him. He reminds them of His mighty victories in the past, then states, "But forget all that--it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do. For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See I have already begun."
WOW! I have been given Hope-defined as a strong desire accompanied by expectation of fulfillment of the unique vision my Lord has planned for me.
I believe Faith-defined is a way of being. It is action, something we do. It is the expression of meaning revealed in a person's life style--a gift of God's grace.
And I have the potential to develop it---if I will jsut listen. "WOOF! WOOF!"
On a pilgrimage seeking integrity,
Saturday, September 3, 2011
"I Am" (Redefining Yourself)
"I am not who I think I am. I am not who you think I am. I am who I think you think I think I am." (Robert
Right or wrong, sometimes we define ourselves through other peoples eye's. A Marti Grau mask that hangs on my wall often reminds me that I have observed myself and others hiding behind a mask. Are we endeavoring to do what we think others expect and what will please them:
Why do we conceal or disguise our original or genuine self? To gain approval? Love? Or culture? Are we people--pleasers?
I attempt to see each individual as the unique person who the Lord has given special gifts to accomplish the purpose for "being" and bringing His plans to fulfillment.
Why give the power He has given us away for lesser values?
I long to mature in God's purpose for me--to know who I Am. There is power in our belief.
I smile when I remember Sophia Creamer. In a Koinonia group discussion she disclosed that she and Roy had a major disagreement. A college girl listened intently, and finally burst out, "Sophia, You are such a wonderful Christian lady, "How can you fight with your husband?" Sophia, always her authentic self, replied, "Honey, It wasn't a fight. It was a disagreement. And besides, if we agree with each other all the time ... one of us would not be necessary."
Right or wrong, sometimes we define ourselves through other peoples eye's. A Marti Grau mask that hangs on my wall often reminds me that I have observed myself and others hiding behind a mask. Are we endeavoring to do what we think others expect and what will please them:
Why do we conceal or disguise our original or genuine self? To gain approval? Love? Or culture? Are we people--pleasers?
I attempt to see each individual as the unique person who the Lord has given special gifts to accomplish the purpose for "being" and bringing His plans to fulfillment.
Why give the power He has given us away for lesser values?
I long to mature in God's purpose for me--to know who I Am. There is power in our belief.
I smile when I remember Sophia Creamer. In a Koinonia group discussion she disclosed that she and Roy had a major disagreement. A college girl listened intently, and finally burst out, "Sophia, You are such a wonderful Christian lady, "How can you fight with your husband?" Sophia, always her authentic self, replied, "Honey, It wasn't a fight. It was a disagreement. And besides, if we agree with each other all the time ... one of us would not be necessary."
I Am (Redefining My Self)
The "I" that is me----You can not see.
You see only the form that you think is me.
The form you see, will not always be;
But the "I" that is me ....lives Eternally!
Shouldn't we put into practice our true identification as the eternal experiencer
rather than the object of the experiencer?
Who Am I?
In Him...I Live...I move...I have my being.
Therefore who Am I?
I am in the great I Am.
I Am.
Thank you, Lord.
At last I know who I am.
I am a pilgrim and Truth Seeker,
Weaving my own pattern of wholeness in my journey-both in this
(earthly) life and to (Eternal) life.
Striving for Integrity,
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